Thursday, 10 February 2011

shed, pond,stream

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waiting for frogs!
I have been feeling weak with some sort of cough and cold so not very busy . We have had a lot of sunshine so I have been clearing brambles from around by this small shed. It has a lovely lilac beside it and the tree behind is a Lime which provides shade in the summer. There were a lot of brambles and wild raspberry. I am thinking I shall plant shade loving plants around or bulbs which come out earlier than the tree leaves.
Meanwhile I am hoping the Egyptian's are soon free from their regime of terror and achieve a fairer society. We could all do with a bit more of that!

1 comment:

  1. To be surrounded by nature like that must be truly amazing.

    I just read that you'd left me a comment on my first blog post. Thanks! I hadn't looked back to that post for a while - which is why I've only just now seen it.

    There really are so many like-minded people out there, and blogging is a good way of being in touch, sharing ideas and inspiration.

    I can't wait to see photos of where you live as the land slowly wakens from its winter slumber - and to see your paintings of it!
