Monday, 27 April 2015

I don't know if any of you are painters or just like to paint for fun.

I have an exhibition coming up soon in May which I participate in each year. This will be my third year anyway. I have been reflecting a bit on how I feel coming up to the exhibition. It's a driver to produce finished pieces. I seem to be changing my my style of working and I am beginning to feel a bit intimidated.

I just read this article and thought it might be of interest. I recognise the drawing in after in charcoal and I have been doing some scratching too.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

The cottage hearth a little changed. I bought a cuisiniere which is a wood fired stove used for heating and cooking. 
They are falling out of fashion here so it's a good way finding un trendy equipment to keep warm and cook.

Auriculas grown from seed.


Cherry Blossom sprays of white out even before the leaves.

The Brocantes today at the place of the old train station. 

Pisenlits or Dandelions

Cowslips on the verges

Friday, 17 April 2015


 If I walk out of my house these are all the familiar views that I see all year around. Since the cold weather has moved along everything looks so much more charming, less bleak and harsh.

 A stork, normally don't stay around long but I saw one nesting a few days ago.